The doorbell is not currently connected to the chimepro network as my normal wifi connection is strong enough.
Ring doorbell light blinking.
The chime is connected to two ring pro doorbells and each doorbell properly rings the chime.
After working well for over two months my ring video doorbell pro lost connection to wifi and just had a constant blue blinking light which filled the top half of the circle around the button.
If i unplug the chime and replug it in the word ring changes from blinking to solid blue.
A flashing white led on the front of the pro after attempting the wifi connection step is either an update being performed or setup failure.
If this continues without stopping for a long period of time then your doorbell might be stuck in a boot loop.
If the setup failed there may also be a flashing white led pattern.
There are different patterns of flashing of blue light in a ring doorbell and therefore there are several reasons for bluelight flashing in ring like pressing of ordinary button connecting to network booting of peephole cam enabled speakers successful set up of peephole cam or factory restore.
Learn more about the ring doorbell and how you can troubleshoot the white flashing light on your device.
Flashing blue light 1 second on 1 second off a one second flashing blue light means the ring doorbell is starting or booting.
There are two options as to what a flashing white ring doorbell can mean.
This flashing white on your ring doorbell can either indicate an issue with your wifi connection or that your battery is running low.
It chimes correctly when the doorbell is pressed.
Blinking blue circle on ring video doorbell pro after installation if you ve just installed a ring video doorbell pro and now there s a blue led blinking and a slowly filling in the circle on the front of the ring video doorbell pro the blue circle you see on the front of your ring pro is a charging meter.
Nothing seems to be wrong with it.
Once you connect successfully to your home wifi the video doorbell pro will automatically update if necessary.
The rapid blinking continues day after day.
Additionally a solid white ring means that your device is hardwired and that it is receiving power so a battery is not the issue.
The ring on your ring video doorbell will flash blue in different patterns to help you troubleshoot various issues and statuses on your device.
From my reading of the support forums this says it is charging but it has been doing this for two full days.
Either you have lost wi fi connection or your battery on the device is running low.